
Aegean Diet
One of the main aims of the Region of South Aegean is that of establishing the Aegean Diet. As a brand, the Aegean Diet refl ects good living and wellness. The South Aegean islands produce excellent vegetables, fruit, olive oil, honey, wine, herbs, and livestock products. Furthermore, the islands are surrounded by the resourceful Aegean Sea, providing them with a great variety of seafood which gives every product unique fl avours and aromas. While the quality and nutritional value of these products is well known to locals, it still needs to be better communicated worldwide in order to be established as a brand name.
The Region of South Aegean will establish cooperation with the Greek Harokopio University and the American Rutgers University in order to conduct appropriate research to prove scientifi cally that an “Aegean Diet”, based on Hippocrates’ medical and nutritional philosophy, is conducive to better living and health conditions. To achieve this goal we plan to launch a brand awareness campaign.